UC Berkeley’s Haas Institute changes name to Othering & Belonging Institute

BERKELEY, CA: UC Berkeley’s “Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society” on Monday changed its name to the “ Othering & Belonging Institute,” allowing the Institute to establish a unique identity at the university and position itself to more...

Study finds strong correlations between segregation and life outcomes in SF Bay Area

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE OCTOBER 30, 2019 BERKELEY, CA: Residents of highly-segregated Black and Latinx neighborhoods in the San Francisco Bay Area experience vastly poorer life outcomes than residents of white neighborhoods in income, housing equity...

Rights groups applaud SCOTUS ruling blocking citizenship question from 2020 census

A coalition of policy and civil rights organizations extend cautious praise for Thursday’s US Supreme Court ruling blocking the Trump administration from adding a citizenship question to the 2020 US census as part of the Republican Party’s strategy to diminish the political representation of immigrant communities for its own political gain.

Haas Institute and partners launch new policy fellowship on implicit bias

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 10, 2019 BERKELEY, CA: The Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society at UC Berkeley and partners are launching a new, two-week fellowship aimed at training policymakers to understand how biases may unwittingly be...

Public health researcher probes why rural southerners die younger

BERKELEY, CA: A UC Berkeley public health scholar and Haas Institute faculty member is playing a key role in a six-year, $21.4 million study probing the causes of the disproportionately poor health outcomes of people from rural communities in the...

Segregation, aggressive policing remain key barriers to racial equity, new research shows

Despite the warnings of a special Presidential Commission more than 50 years ago, the forces that threatened to create separate and unequal societies along racial lines have become reality despite improvements in economic conditions for some Black Americans, new research from the Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society at UC Berkeley shows.

Bay Area More Segregated Now than in 1970, Interactive Map Reveals

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 28, 2019 BERKELEY, CA: The San Francisco Bay Area is more segregated today than it was nearly 50 years ago, according to research published Tuesday by the Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society at UC Berkeley which...

New primer: Targeted universalism opens pathways for policy innovation

Targeted universalism jettisons a one-size-fits-all policy formula in favor of an approach that is more outcome-oriented and excludes no one. BERKELEY, CA: The Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society at UC Berkeley on Wednesday released its...

Othering and Belonging conference to bring scholars, artists, and movement leaders together in Oakland

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 29, 2019 BERKELEY, CA: A roster of high-profile activists, artists, government officials, and scholars, including Rev. William J. Barber, II , NFL star Michael Bennett , Pulitzer Prize winner Rachel Kaadzi Ghansah , star...

Researchers Release Interactive Mapping Resource for Zoning Reform

BERKELEY, CA: Researchers from the University of California at Berkeley and the California Housing Partnership have released a new online, interactive map of California on Tuesday, March 26, 2019 to help inform the policy discussions about zoning...

Pioneering documentary series, Race—The Power of an Illusion, gets new website

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 21, 2019 BERKELEY, CA: Fans of Race — The Power of an Illusion , one of the most widely-used documentary series ever in formal and non-formal education in the US, can now take advantage of a new companion website at www...

2019 Atlantic Fellows for Racial Equity applications open

BERKELEY, CA: The Atlantic Fellows for Racial Equity (AFRE) program, to which the Haas Institute is one of several partners, has begun accepting applications to be a part of the 2019 cohort. Applications for the second year of this program can be...

California Uses Our Opportunity Maps to Build Affordable Housing in Resource-Rich Regions

BERKELEY, CA: A California state treasury committee has approved for the second consecutive year the use of an Opportunity Area Map developed by Haas Institute researchers and partners to help determine which regions of the state are best suited for...

2018 Inclusiveness Index Spotlights #MeToo, Water Access, and Refugees

BERKELEY, CA: Issues of sexual violence against women, access to water, and the continuing refugee and migrant crises were among the most pressing challenges facing the world in 2018. The varied responses to these challenges by state bodies—both...

New Poll: 65 percent of likely Florida voters support voting rights restoration

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE BERKELEY, CA: Sixty-two percent of Florida’s registered voters—and 65 percent of likely voters—support the Amendment 4 ballot initiative that would restore voting rights to Floridians with felony convictions once they have...

Explore Othering and Belonging

The Practice of Bridging

Creating structures for belonging or a belongingness policy agenda, while necessary, is also insufficient. As important as many of these structural interventions may be, in some respects they remain too shallow. Such structures are necessary ballast...

Depolarization Day

Want a chance to hear from experts studying the root of what’s driving us apart and how we come back together? Eager to build the skills to listen empathetically, elicit narratives of connection, and interview professionally? Looking for a chance...

Targeted Universalism Case Study: Vision for Baltimore

Vision for Baltimore (V4B) is a successful program at Baltimore City Schools (BCS) designed to provide annual vision screenings for all students and, when necessary, to provide follow-up eye exams and eyeglasses at no cost to families. Download PDF...