- If you are looking for a recording of a virtual event, all are available on our Archived Events or YouTube pages
- If you are looking to engage/collaborate with the Institute in some capacity, your best bet is to use our website to find the staff member(s) best aligned with your inquiry/area(s) of interest and email them directly; you can find emails in staff profiles. Otherwise, please carefully read through and submit our Engagement Request Form. Requests for john powell should go directly to his assistant: tulian@berkeley.edu
- For questions about specific programs, projects, reports, topics, etc. please email the staff member or expert associated with that project or topic on our website; you can find emails in staff profiles or in the Expert Database
- Our website is incredibly comprehensive, if you cannot find the topic you are looking for, it means we are, unfortunately, not engaging that topic at this time
- If you are emailing about the Othering & Belonging Conference, please email: obconf@berkeley.
edu - If you are emailing about the Summer Fellowship, please email: summerfellowshipcommitt
ee@berkeley.edu - If you are inquiring after a job application, if the job posting is still up on the UC Berkeley website, it means the job is still open and applications are still being reviewed. You will be contacted should an interview be requested
- If you are interested in submitting a guest article, blog, or post for our website, unfortunately, we are not accepting submissions at this time
- For general inquiries, please contact belonging@berkeley.edu.
- For administrative inquiries, please contact Puanani Forbes at pforbes@berkeley.edu.
- For communications and media-related inquiries, please contact Cecilie Surasky at csurasky@berkeley.edu.
- For research related inquiries, please contact Stephen Menendian at smenendian@berkeley.edu.
University of California, Berkeley
460 Stephens Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720 MC 2330
510-642-3326 • belonging@berkeley.edu