California renews OBI opportunity map for 8th consecutive year

BERKELEY: The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (CTCAC) has reapproved the use of an opportunity map developed by the Othering & Belonging Institute (OBI) and its partners, California Housing Partnership and the Terner Center for Housing...

Survey: More Californians than ever recognize climate change is caused mostly by human activities

More Californians than ever recognize that global climate change is driven by human activities. But while awareness of climate change’s causes has grown among the state’s residents, most have yet to recognize how environmental conditions are fueling transnational migration.

Study: New Zealand and Hawaiʻi maintain top spots, US and California dip in Othering and Belonging Institute inclusion rankings

New Zealand for the third consecutive year ranked as the most inclusive country in the world, while Hawaii also kept its streak going, placing first place for the seventh consecutive year as the most inclusive state in the country.

Survey: Inclusive Outlook on Immigrants Prevails among Californians, Amidst Country’s Harsh Political Rhetoric

In a year when anti-immigrant rhetoric has become as extreme as ever, large majorities of Californians continue to express inclusionary views, a new survey from the...

Little Saigon Residents Unite in ‘Power in Belonging’ Video Series

VietRISE, Harbor Institute, El Centro Cultural, Tenants United Santa Ana, and community members envision and organize for a more inclusive Orange County

Survey: Californians are tired of corporate influence in politics, want government to deliver on healthcare, housing, and education

In strong supermajorities, Californians agree that all students deserve quality public education regardless of immigration status, and that government should regulate housing markets to improve access to affordable housing

UC Berkeley study: Staggering 96% of California residential land zoned for single-family housing

BERKELEY, CA: A stunning 95.8 percent of all residential land in California is reserved for single-family housing, effectively barring denser housing options in those areas and creating an obstacle to racial and economic equality in the state, a new...

California renews adoption of OBI opportunity map

BERKELEY: The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (CTCAC) has reapproved the use of an opportunity map developed by the Othering & Belonging Institute (OBI) and its partners, California Housing Partnership and the Terner Center for Housing...

Poll: Californians Want Curriculum on Native Peoples in Schools, Tuition Waivers for Native American Students

BERKELEY, CA – Even as the teaching of race and history has become an increasingly divisive issue nationally, there is near consensus among California voters that schools in the state should be required to adopt and teach curriculum on the history...

Hawaii, New Zealand retain top spots in OBI's inclusiveness rankings

BERKELEY: Hawaii kept its streak going by placing 1st for the sixth consecutive year as most inclusive state in the country, according to the latest Inclusiveness Index produced annually by the Othering & Belonging Institute. Maryland and Vermont...

New approaches needed to diversify campuses after Supreme Court ruling

The Othering & Belonging Institute is deeply disappointed with the US Supreme Court's ruling today curtailing the specific consideration of race in college admissions by private and public universities, but is confident that these institutions can...

Black Americans made big strides in education, voting since 1970

BERKELEY, CA: UC Berkeley's Othering & Belonging Institute on Wednesday released a sophisticated new tool that measures the progress and/or regress for Black Americans in recent decades in 15 areas, including in education, wealth accumulation...

Survey: African environmental groups working towards just transitions

BERKELEY, CA: The overwhelming majority of African climate, agri-food, and environmental organizations are working toward just transitions in Africa, and many are doing so through food systems transformation, a new study released by UC Berkeley's...

Poll: Fewer OC Residents Experience Belonging in Schools than in Other Public Places

Schools are the context where Orange County residents are least likely to experience a sense of belonging, according to a survey conducted prior to the 2022-23 academic year by the Othering and Belonging Institute at University of California, Berkeley (OBI) and Orange County Congregation Community Organization (OCCCO).

Othering & Belonging Institute condemns brutal killing of Tyre Nichols

We at the Othering & Belonging Institute are anguished by the murder of Tyre Nichols by five police officers in Memphis. We condemn in the strongest terms the inhumane actions of those five officers. Tyre was a worker, a skateboarder, and an artist...

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john a. powell in conversation with Juliana Tafur on The Power of Bridging

Join us on Wednesday, March 5 at 7pm in Berkeley to celebrate the launch of the new book The Power of Bridging: How to Build a World Where We All Belong. This in person event will feature OBI Director and...

Racing to Justice (Second edition)

In Racing to Justice, renowned social justice advocate john a. powell persuasively argues that we have yet to achieve a truly post-racial society and that there is much work to be done to redeem the American promise of inclusive democracy. Gathered...