What would it take to collectively own our data? How could we regulate the environmental impact of resource-intensive technologies? These are just some of the big questions about technology facing us on a global scale. In our 2021 landscape scan on...
There is solid basis for concern when setting sights on a dignified labor sector in the future from the vantage point of current indignities suffered by many workers. The impact of technology in labor has a long history in economic analysis. The rise...
This report provides an overview of the current public conversation as it relates to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and algorithm-based artificial intelligence used in three interrelated domains that impact public health and social equity: the use of automated decision systems, surveillance, and social media.
School closures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic created yet another opportunity for the surveillance industry to profit off of a national crisis and exacerbate harm to already marginalized students.
Just a few years ago, using software for remote test proctoring was rare, but since COVID-19 forced most schools to move online, remote test-proctoring software is now used by millions of students every month.
The year 2020 has witnessed the overlapping public health crises of a global pandemic and ongoing police violence—both of which underscore the devastating effects of systemic racism in the US.
Studies found that working for Amazon, Lyft, and Uber can be harmful for worker health, with workplace surveillance emerging as a key culprit in pushing workers into mental and physical health distress.
In this episode of Who Belongs? we hear from Jacinta González, an organizer with Mijente, a non-profit which leads campaigns to educate and organize around issues concerning immigration, detentions and deportations.
While technology has made it easier to connect with faraway family and friends and gain access to the world’s libraries of information, it has also led to a stark loss of privacy through widespread data collection and surveillance by both government agencies and for-profit companies.
This blog post is accompanied by a set of safety and guidance resources at the bottom of the page for protestors mobilizing both in-person and online. Since May of this year, people have taken to the streets of Minneapolis, New York City, London and...
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