Jason Corburn


Jerome Baggett

Professor of Religion and Society

Jesse Rothstein

Chancellor's Professor of Public Policy and Economics

john a. powell

Director, OBI

Jonathan Sheehan

Professor of History

Jonathan Simon

Lance Robbins Professor of Criminal Justice Law

Joshua Clark

Senior Social Scientist

Jovan Scott Lewis

Professor and Chair of Geography, Haas Distinguished Chair in Economic Disparities

Juana María Rodríguez

Professor of Ethnic Studies

Julian Chow


Julie Nelson

Senior Fellow, Government Alliance on Race and Equity

Katherine Sherwood

Emerita, Art Practice and Disability Studies

Kathryn Abrams

Herma Hill Kay Distinguished Professor of Law

Kim Voss


Kris Gutiérrez

Carol Liu Distinguished Professor

Kristina Lovato

Assistant Professor

Kurt Organista

Professor of Social Welfare

Laurent Reyes

Assistant Professor