Perspectives in Belonging: Talila Lewis

This piece was originally published in our We Too Belong report and is part of our work in inclusive practices in immigration & incarceration. Talila Lewis is an attorney-activist who is working to increase access to the legal system for deaf and...

Perspectives in Belonging: Aurora Garcia

This piece was originally published in our We Too Belong report and is part of our work in inclusive practices in immigration & incarceration. Aurora Garcia is an organizer with California Partnership, a project of the Center for Community Change...

Perspectives in Belonging: Raha Jorjani

May 19, 2016 By Raha Jorjani This piece was originally published in our We Too Belong report and is part of our work in inclusive practices in immigration & incarceration. Raha Jorjani is the director of the Immigration Representation Unit with the...

We Too Belong: A Resource Guide

PUBLISHED APRIL 2016 For immigrants and the formerly incarcerated, the very act of living is often presumed criminal. Unable to share their stories openly for fear of being “discovered,” these individuals constantly confront the burdens of exclusion...

Building Power at the Intersection of Immigration and Incarceration: An Event to Discuss Inclusive Practices and Policies in the “Double Is”

john a. powell began his keynote address with a comment on anxiety. In California, he said, whites are no longer the majority, nor even the largest plurality. For many people, this creates “tremendous anxiety.” “But how people process that anxiety is...

US Refugee Resettlement Under Attack

Following the November 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris, 30 US governors demanded that President Obama stop the resettlement of Syrian refugees to their states. Unsurprisingly, federal judges have ruled these demands unconstitutional. Since then...

Faculty profile: Malo Hutson on Health Disparities and the Built Environment

Malo Hutson is an associate professor of City and Regional Planning at UC Berkeley, Associate Director of the Institute of Urban and Regional Planning, and a faculty member of the Haas Institute’s Diversity and Health Disparities cluster. He spoke...

Women & STEM: It's Not Just a Numbers Problem

Women have been problem solvers as long as women have existed. The representation of women in science, technology, engineering, and math fields—known as STEM—is a problem that not only has not been solved, but also needs better solutions. And it’s...

2016 is the Year of Identities

This post is reprinted from a letter he penned for our Fall 2015 newsletter that was published in May 2016. THE ELECTION OF PRESIDENT OBAMA as the nation’s first African American president was heralded by many as the beginning of a new post-racial...

Voting Rights for Immigrants & the Incarcerated; The Case For Inclusion

This is the feature article of our Fall 2015 newsletter. Download full issue here. He pays taxes, volunteers in his community, and is gainfully employed, but still his voice remains unheard. Although today he could be on a politician’s reelection...

Fall 2015 Newsletter

coverimage_newsletter_fall2015.jpg coverimage_newsletter_fall2015.jpgThe Haas Institute's Fall 2015 newsletter features articles on "Voting Rights for the Incarcerated & Immigrants," "Race and Literature in 2015," and "Women & STEM: It's Not Just a...

Community Gathers at Food Policy Open House to Discuss Solutions for Food Policy and Partnerships in Richmond, CA

Food justice advocates, community organizers, and members of the UC Berkeley community came together at the campus Multicultural Community Center on April 28 to attend the release of the Haas Institute’s newest report on food justice and community...

Housing Segregation Undergirds the Nation’s Racial Inequities

This was originally posted on the Economic Policy Institute blog. In June, the Supreme Court rescued the Fair Housing Act from a claim that it prohibited only overt discrimination—where a government body announces that it is enacting a housing policy...

Trans Pacific Partnership: Corporations Before People and Democracy

Our new report on the Trans-Pacific Partnership raises serious concerns about the plurilateral, mega-regional trade deal, with an analysis that the TPP puts the interests of corporations before the interests of people and core democratic principles...

Is Perception Reality? Understanding Breakthrough Mind Science Research on Racial Bias

May 2016 Over the weekend of May 6, Executive Director john a. powell held a residency with the Humboldt Area Foundation in Humboldt County, California. In his first keynote at Humboldt State University, Dr. powell explored with HSU students and...

Explore Othering and Belonging

E-Newsletter Archive

An Archive of past issues of our bi-weekly newsletter.

Reimagining Allyship: Reflecting on Where We Are and Where We Can Go From Here

The Asian Pacific American Religions Research Initiative is delighted to welcome Simran Jeet Singh to the UC Berkeley campus. Dr. Singh is Executive Director of the Religion and Society Program at the Aspen Institute and the author of the national...

Videos from the 2024 Othering & Belonging Conference

See our playlist below which includes all our videos from the 2024 Othering & Belonging Conference, which took place April 25-27 in Oakland, CA! To select a video from the playlist click on the button in the top right corner of the video player...