Video: john a. powell brings Belonging to Bioneers

john powell in his keynote at Bioneers, Sunday, Oct. 22, 2017. (Photo: Nikki Ritcher. Courtesy of Bioneers) Carrying his message of belonging to the 28th Bioneers Conference in San Rafael, California, Haas Institute Director john a. powell urged an...

Erin Kerrison looks at the failings of drug treatment in prisons

In an Oct. 20 talk as part of the Haas Institute's Research to Impact series, Erin Kerrison from UC Berkeley's School of Social Welfare, presented on “The Costs and Benefits of an addiction Diagnosis: A Critical Look at Racial Disparities in Prison-Based Drug Treatment Rhetoric Buy-in.”

'Screw consent': Joseph Fischel reexamines how sex and pleasure are governed

In his October 19, 2017 presentation titled “Screw Consent: Horses & Corpses, Kink & Cannibals,” Joseph Fischel, an associate professor of Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies at Yale University, discussed the current investment in the juridical...

On spirituality and belonging: a conversation with Sonali Sangeeta Balajee

Balajee poses for a photo at the Bioneers Conference in San Rafael, CA What does spirituality have to do with belonging? What are we missing when trying to identify the root causes of suffering and inequity? How do we remedy collective suffering as a...

OBI publishes chapter in fair housing book

The Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 was passed at a time of turmoil, conflict, and conflagration in cities across the nation. The Fair Housing Act was passed with a dual mandate: to end discrimination and to dismantle the segregated living patterns...

Video: New Bay Area mural humanizes housing crisis

(Photo credit: Vanessa Yang) A powerful new mural informing renters of their rights was unveiled this month on the facade of a building in Richmond, CA, as part of a Haas Institute-affiliated program. The "Know-Your-Rights" mural, located on 23rd St...

Video: A European Crisis, or a humanity crisis?

Elsadig Elsheikh, the head of the Global Justice Program at the Haas Institute, presented, on Oct. 10, on his recent report on the global refugee crisis, titled " Moving Targets: An Analysis of Global Forced Migration." The talk, hosted by the Center...

America Can't Fix Poverty Until It Stops Hating Poor People

“Hell is other people,” famously wrote the French existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre at the close of his 1943 play No Exit. While for Sartre this was a philosophically sophisticated point, in America today it has become simply the way we increasingly...

How distinct ethnic groups became 'Hispanics'

Cristina Mora, Associate Professor of Sociology at UC Berkeley and member of the Haas Institute's Diversity and Democracy cluster, presented earlier this month on her book, Making Hispanics: How Activists, Bureaucrats, and Media Constructed a New American.

New study recommends probation as alternative to prison

Convicted felons who receive prison sentences are far more likely to end up back behind bars at a later time than those who were handed probation sentences for similar crimes, a new study published this week in a high-profile journal finds. The study...

john powell's address at El Centro de la Raza's 45th anniversary gala

On September 30, 2017, professor powell gave a keynote address for El Centro de la Raza’s annual Building the Beloved Community Gala, celebrating the 45th anniversary of the organization’s founding. Attended by El Centro members, community members...

john powell hosted by the South East Seattle Education Coalition

On September 28, 2017, professor powell gave a keynote address on identity, belonging, and the role of narratives in creating change. Hosted by SESEC (South East Seattle Education Coalition), this event brought teachers, administrators, community...

Haas Institute contributes to new book on racial inequality

A new book critical to understanding racial inequities in the United States was released earlier this month and includes a chapter co-written by Haas Institute Director john a. powell and Director of the Just Public Finance program Wendy Ake. The...

Blog: Why They Keep Coming - Understanding the Far-Right's Motives

Sept. 25, 2017 While much of the coverage of this month’s visits by right-wing provocateurs to the UC Berkeley campus, where we are located, focuses on the line between hate speech and free speech, another question remains: Why are they coming...

Blog: What Can We Learn from Other Western Nations on Matters of Speech?

Sept. 25, 2017 From nearly all vantage points, the United States stands apart from its peers in the West for its lax legal treatment of hate speech. As noted in one New York Times article , “What much of [the] West bans is protected in [the] US.”...

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E-Newsletter Archive

An Archive of past issues of our bi-weekly newsletter.

Reimagining Allyship: Reflecting on Where We Are and Where We Can Go From Here

The Asian Pacific American Religions Research Initiative is delighted to welcome Simran Jeet Singh to the UC Berkeley campus. Dr. Singh is Executive Director of the Religion and Society Program at the Aspen Institute and the author of the national...

Videos from the 2024 Othering & Belonging Conference

See our playlist below which includes all our videos from the 2024 Othering & Belonging Conference, which took place April 25-27 in Oakland, CA! To select a video from the playlist click on the button in the top right corner of the video player...