Blog: Revisiting 'Dog Whistle Politics'

Sept. 22, 2017 The basic mechanism of what Berkeley political scientist Ian Haney Lopez calls “dog whistle politics” is simple: call upon the anxiety or fear of minorities that already resides not-so-far beneath the surface, divide class interests...

Speech & Belonging: A Resource Guide

Last updated 10/04/2017 The purpose of this resource guide is to present research-based evidence and perspectives on a range of free speech issues. The Haas Institute supports the protections of freedom of speech and expression. We are unambiguous...

On Speech & Belonging

Over the course of this month there are those who have been scheduled to make appearances on our campus who are not coming here for dialogue. These speakers are not using their right to speak merely to communicate, they are using speech carefully...

Blog: Canada should welcome America's Dreamers

September 19, 2017 By Irene Bloemraad and Ratna Omidvar This commentary is reposted from The Globe and Mail in Canada, where it originally appeared in February 2017. We are now witnessing the casualties of new United States policies arriving at...

john powell hosted by the W. Clement and Jessie V. Stone Foundation and the Woods Fund Chicago

On September 18, 2017, professor powell gave a keynote address to a number of executives and board members from prominent foundations from across the country. Hosted by the W. Clement and Jessie V. Stone Foundation and the Woods Fund Chicago, this...

How left-right alliances are standing up to policymakers, and winning

OAKLAND, CA: Can people on the left and right come together in our deeply divided society to challenge proposals and projects they view as harmful to their communities, and win? Not only are the formations of these unlikely alliances possible, they...

Right-wing speakers coming to Berkeley for conflict, not dialogue

BERKELEY, CA: Right-wing, nationalist figures scheduled to make appearances this month at UC Berkeley are coming with the intent to do harm, not engage in dialogue, Haas Institute Director john a. powell argued at a panel discussion on free speech...

New study reveals alarming reach, influence of US Islamophobia movement

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ### BERKELEY, CA: Ultra right-wing activists and their allies in state legislatures and the federal government have in recent years undertaken coordinated and systematized efforts to alienate, criminalize, and perpetuate fear...

Blog: With or without DACA, we must prosper

September 6, 2017 By Kemi Bello At many times over the past eight months (and longer), this country has stood on the edge of the precipice of our values as we asked ourselves what truly "makes America great." From the travel ban on Muslims, the...

Blog: Can White America forgo the comforts of a racist legacy?

September 6, 2017 Condemning the events in Charlottesville is an easy act for a society that wants to believe it is post-racial. While shock may result as a natural reaction, this event, and others like it, should not come as a surprise. Astonishment...

Ending DACA 'antithetical' to our deepest values

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Elana Needle, 201-248-9724 Email: Leading Civil Rights and Racial Justice Organizations Condemn Decision to End DACA Ball Now Squarely in Congress’ Court WASHINGTON, DC: Today, organizations...

Legalizing Othering

OVERVIEW This report on the anti-Sharia movement in the United States addresses the legalized othering of Muslim communities across the nation through anti-Muslim legislation and bills between the years 2000 and 2016. Within the broader context of...

john a. powell speaks at SF United Against Hate rally

Haas Institute Director john a. powell speaks at the United Against Hate rally in San Francisco at the invitation of Mayor Ed Lee on August 25, 2017. The rally was hosted by the San Francisco Human Rights Commission and took place at the Civil Center...

New Research Shows Racial Disparities in Bay Area Housing Allocation Methodology

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Analysis of Bay Area housing goals and housing permitted shows cities with a higher white population were more likely to receive lower goals for moderate- and lower-income housing # # # BERKELEY, CA: The San Francisco Bay Area’s...

New California mapping tool illustrates disparities, potential for opportunity

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Haas Institute's Opportunity Mapping approach informs proposed policy change in California; Requesting support from advocates during public comment period BERKELEY, CA: A major housing program in California may see new changes...

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E-Newsletter Archive

An Archive of past issues of our bi-weekly newsletter.

Reimagining Allyship: Reflecting on Where We Are and Where We Can Go From Here

The Asian Pacific American Religions Research Initiative is delighted to welcome Simran Jeet Singh to the UC Berkeley campus. Dr. Singh is Executive Director of the Religion and Society Program at the Aspen Institute and the author of the national...

Videos from the 2024 Othering & Belonging Conference

See our playlist below which includes all our videos from the 2024 Othering & Belonging Conference, which took place April 25-27 in Oakland, CA! To select a video from the playlist click on the button in the top right corner of the video player...