Facts & Findings: Companion to the Farm Bill Report

The companion research brief Facts and Findings summarizes the main findings and solutions that are found in the full report.

Contracting for Racial Equity

Best Local Government Practices that Advance Racial Equity in Government Contracting and Procurement.

Racial Equity Toolkit: An Opportunity to Operationalize Equity

Racial equity tools are designed to integrate explicit consideration of racial equity in decisions, including policies, practices, programs and budgets.

Advancing Racial Equity and Transforming Government

This Resource Guide is based on the lessons learned from practitioners, as well as experts from academia and advocacy organizations.

The US Farm Bill

In a report examining the US Farm Bill, the Haas Institute finds that corporate control and structural racialization within the US food system leaves marginalized communities disproportionately impacted by the agricultural policies and outcomes generated by the Farm Bill.

The Future of SNAP? Improving Nutrition Policy to Ensure Health and Food Equity

This brief summarizes key points and critical questions about the “Future of SNAP,” highlighting approaches to improve nutrition policy to ensure health and food equity nationwide.

Structuring Development for Greater Community Benefit

Oct. 7, 2015proje The Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society is pleased to announce the release of a new report, Structuring Development for Greater Community Benefit: An Analysis of an Opportunity Model for Developing the Berkeley Global...

Structuring Development for Greater Community Benefit

The report recommends that a public-private partnership model with a Community Development Entity (CDE) be considered for the Global Campus at Richmond Bay.

Othering & Belonging Post-Conference Report

An online-only report detailing the events of the first Othering & Belonging Conference on April 24-26, 2015 in Oakland, California.

Realizing the Possibilities of the Connected Economy

The Haas Institute published a “hopeful and speculative” essay arguing that Americans are poised to enter a new era of enduring prosperity led by African Americans and immigrants, those who previously have been held back.

Public Sector Jobs: Opportunities for Advancing Racial Equity

This brief begins by providing an overview of the status of workforce equity within the public sector and barriers to workforce equity. We then offer policy and practice strategies that are designed to advance greater workplace equity within the public sector.

Promoting Family Economic Security in the San Francisco Bay Area Region

rise_together_pub.png June 3, 2015 This report, released by the Insight Center for Community Economic Development with data representations from the UC Berkeley Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society, is titled Promoting Family Economic...

Belonging and Community Health in Richmond

This research report assesses the extent of gentrification in Richmond by analyzing changes in the demographics and housing market between the years 2000 and 2013.

Haas Institute Co-Authors Amicus Brief Filed in Supreme Court Fair Housing Case

The Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society and the Economic Policy Institute jointly filed an amicus brief (friend of the court) of 62 housing scholars in the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs v. the Inclusive Communities...

Haas Institute Co Authors Amicus Brief Submitted to Supreme Court on Fair Housing Case in Texas

The Haas Institute and DC-based Economic Policy Institute submit amicus brief in support of housing integration and opportunity.

Explore Othering and Belonging

E-Newsletter Archive

An Archive of past issues of our bi-weekly newsletter.

Reimagining Allyship: Reflecting on Where We Are and Where We Can Go From Here

The Asian Pacific American Religions Research Initiative is delighted to welcome Simran Jeet Singh to the UC Berkeley campus. Dr. Singh is Executive Director of the Religion and Society Program at the Aspen Institute and the author of the national...

Videos from the 2024 Othering & Belonging Conference

See our playlist below which includes all our videos from the 2024 Othering & Belonging Conference, which took place April 25-27 in Oakland, CA! To select a video from the playlist click on the button in the top right corner of the video player...