john a. powell addresses California task force on reparations

On September 24, 2021, Director john a. powell presented testimony on reparations and political participation to the state of California’s Task Force to Study and Develop Reparations Proposals for African-Americans ( his presentation begins at 1:04...

New Research on Patterns in Racial Residential Segregation and the Roots of Structural Racism

On Sept 23rd, OBI Assistant Director Stephen Menendian presented to the Southern California Association of Non-Profit Housing (SCANPH) in a special workshop on why segregation persists and the relation of race and affordable housing in California.

Video: Building Belonging in a Time of Othering

The Monterey Public Library (California's first public library founded in 1849) is one of 36 libraries to receive a grant to participate in Book to Action - an opportunity to read, discuss, and act on a select book that's relevant to their community...

Reimagine Education for All: Equity and Targeted Universalism

Children, family, and situation differ not just at the individual level but also at the group level similarly to race, class, ability and other important indicators.

Video: Making Urbanism Antiracist

On April 15, 2021, Assistant Director Stephen Menendian was interviewed by YIMBY Action Board Chair, Ernest Brown, as part of a series on "Making Urbanism Antiracist." They discussed the nature of opportunity, mobility versus place-based strategies, and the race versus class debate.

Polarization and Preconditions: Bridging Across Identities for a Society of Belonging

In Professor john a. powell's keynote, he emphasizes how polarization has led to significant upheaval in our democracy and how pledging, rather than simple monetary generosity, will begin bridging towards solutions.

Racial Residential Segregation and Racial Gerrymandering: An Overlooked Nexus

On April 3, 2021, Assistant Director Stephen Menendian presented on the relationship between fair housing and voting rights on a panel at a fair housing conference organized by the Fair Housing Council of San Diego.

Stephen Menendian presents at the 2021 MLI Symposium Housing and Land Use Equity

On March 5th, 2021, Assistant Director Stephen Menendian presented on the topic of structural racism and its expressions in the San Francisco Bay Area for the Berkeley Law school's Municipal Law Institute's 2021 symposium "Converging Emergencies."

Video: Stephen Menendian presentation at the California League of Cities

Assistant Director Stephen Menendian presented the Institute's research on racial demographic change and land use in the San Francisco Bay Area for the North Bay Division of the California League of Cities.

Interfaith Leadership Council: Divine Belonging in a Divided World

On February 22, Dr. powell gave a keynote talk at the Interfaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan Detroit.

Video: Land Use Policy and Structural Racism

On February 18, 2021, Assistant Director Stephen Menendian presented the Institute's latest research findings on the exclusionary effects of restrictive zoning, a summary of prior research, and it's relationship to structural racism to the Sacramento Council of Governments.

Endowment for Equal Justice: Housing Justice

On February 16, 2021, Director john a. powell gave a talk on Housing Justice as part of the Endowment of Equal Justice's six part series on racial justice, "Let's Talk about (In)Justice."

Video: Exclusionary Zoning in the Bay Area: Research and Findings

Assistant Director Stephen Menendian presented the Institute's recent groundbreaking research on the harmful effects of restrictive zoning in the San Francisco Bay Area in this panel organized by SPUR on February 2, 2021.

Bridging and Belonging: A Responsibility and Inheritance of the Dream

On January 18 2021, Director powell addressed students, faculty and communities at the annual Martin Luther King, Jr., Banquet which has been a Thurston County tradition for more than 30 years.

From Inclusion to Belonging: Adjusting Race at UC Berkeley

On November 23, Director powell gave a talk at UC Berkeley's Anthropology Department for the Department's Anthropology Colloquium about the challenges of confronting racial bias and exclusion in academic institutions such as Berkeley. Director powell...

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E-Newsletter Archive

An Archive of past issues of our bi-weekly newsletter.

Belonging Resident Company (BRC) Audition

The Belonging Resident Company (BRC) is holding an audition to bring in new members on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29 from 7-10pm Rehearsal Interest Participation Form REHEARSALS happen MONDAYS AND/OR WEDNESDAYS from 7-9pm AUDITION & REHEARSALS will take place at Destiny Arts...

California renews OBI opportunity map for 8th consecutive year

BERKELEY: The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (CTCAC) has reapproved the use of an opportunity map developed by the Othering & Belonging Institute (OBI) and its partners, California Housing Partnership and the Terner Center for Housing...