On September 28 2021, OBI director john a. powell moderated a discussion with Johanna Chao Kreilick, who is the president of the Union of Concerned Scientists and Ashindi Maxton, the co-founder and executive director of Donors of Color Network, on the topic of “Climate and the Commons" for the INET Climate Justice Conference. Within the context of severe global impacts that rising temperatures will have on the environment, economies, health outcomes, survival, the presenters discuss what actions will impact climate equity and how do you mitigate or resolve the issues in the gap between those communities most affected and least affected by climate change. Professor powell highlights the policies and social action necessary for a just transition and how economics can play a part in that change. In this discussion, part of a multi-part series on climate debates, the Institute for New Economic Thinking examines the role of economics in climate change, the role of community organizing in shifting policy, and the reason why this moment may be an opportunity not only for a just transition but for a transition to justice in which equity gets centered in our economic theory, narrative, and practice.
For more information about the event, click here.