Single-Family Zoning in California: A Statewide Analysis

This report culminates a six-year investigation into restrictive land-use policies in California — namely single-family residential zoning — and their ramifications for racial residential segregation, affordable housing, and life outcomes. Single-family zoning accounts for over 95% of total residential land area in the state.

Targeted Universalism Case Study: Vision for Baltimore

Vision for Baltimore (V4B) is a successful program at Baltimore City Schools (BCS) designed to provide annual vision screenings for all students and, when necessary, to provide follow-up eye exams and eyeglasses at no cost to families. Download PDF...

Social Housing in California

Social housing has come to encompass a variety of programs and financing schemes, but all fundamentally move away from a reliance on private, for-profit motives driving housing insecurity. In 2023, California will launch a study of social housing in...

Mass Liberation & Climate Justice Toolkit

The climate crisis and mass incarceration are two crises that have shared roots and affect many of the same communities, yet are often talked about and organized around as separate issues. What connects them? How can we talk about them in ways that resonate and advance solutions to both?

Transformative Research Toolkit

Introduction We have seen and participated in transformative research strategies that defeated proposed jail expansions, won millions of dollars for community-prioritized programs, and built new community-led organizations that changed a political...

Advancing Equitable Community-based Transportation Planning

In response to the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while reducing transportation inequities, the California Air Resources Board launched two clean mobility grant programs that fund community transportation needs assessments, planning, and...

Housing Insecurity and Policy Views in Orange County, CA

This brief summarizes findings from our survey research with Orange County residents on their experiences of housing insecurity, and housing policy views.

Principles for Reframing the National Security Narrative

Our public discourse is seeded with dangerous and counterproductive ideas concerning national security that are so deeply embedded we may often be unaware that we, as story tellers, are invoking or reinforcing them in our own narrations. Thus, over...

The Need for Transformative Federal Action

This is a research brief to accompany the 2022 survey report we published entitled Aligning Federal Policy to Local Needs. Download PDF. As we emerge from the peak of the global pandemic, there is a great need to ensure that any opportunity...

Islamophobia in Europe

This Reading Resource Pack was developed by researchers from the Global Justice Program at the Othering and Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley, as part of its larger project documenting and countering Islamophobia.

Islamophobia in Asia-Pacific

This Reading Resource Pack was developed by researchers from the Global Justice Program at the Othering and Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley, as part of its larger project documenting and countering Islamophobia.

Single-Family Zoning in the Fresno Region

Introduction The authors would like to thank Joshua Cantong, Data Analyst at the Othering and Belonging Institute for their valuable insights and contributions. We also extend gratitude to the Center for Regional Change at UC Davis, to Clancy...

Targeted Universalism Bibliography

The framework of targeted universalism has been a compelling framework for work in many different contexts. The sources referenced in this bibliography reflect this diversity of uses and application areas. Targeted universalism is a framework that focuses on policy and program design...

Bridging and Power Building Paper Series

This series looks at the longstanding art and science of organizing, in relation to today’s social dynamics. Our premise is that for us to build power, we need to bridge across lines of difference in ways more radical than ever before. This series is authored by a working group from across California...

Concluding Thoughts on Bridging and Power Building

At the outset of the B4B working groups’ journey, we envisioned a set of trainings, analytical and strategizing tools, and shared bridging tenets that shape our practice (toolbox), politics, and culture. If we are successful, we will see...

Explore Othering and Belonging

E-Newsletter Archive

An Archive of past issues of our bi-weekly newsletter.

Demography Brown Bag Seminar: “Population Issues and the 2024 Election”

Ron Lee, Hilary Hoynes, Jenna Nobles will be discussing “Population Issues and the 2024 Election” on Wednesday, October 16 at 12pm. Join us in-person in Room 310 of the Social Sciences Building or virtually on Zoom. This event is free...

The Problem of California's Prop 36, Criminal Justice Reform, and the Social Justice Blind Spot

California voters are being asked to roll back a milestone criminal justice reform this election, in the form of Proposition 36. This initiative would elevate certain misdemeanors, like petty theft and non-violent drug crimes, into felonies. It would...