Single-Family Zoning in California: A Statewide Analysis

This report culminates a six-year investigation into restrictive land-use policies in California — namely single-family residential zoning — and their ramifications for racial residential segregation, affordable housing, and life outcomes. Single-family zoning accounts for over 95% of total residential land area in the state.

The Destabilization of American Zoning

In this multi-part series, we join an analysis of a novel database of municipal zoning reform efforts across the United States with an argument for the necessity of a tenant-inflected zoning reform, as a method and approach to ground future zoning...

Single-Family Zoning in the Fresno Region

Introduction The authors would like to thank Joshua Cantong, Data Analyst at the Othering and Belonging Institute for their valuable insights and contributions. We also extend gratitude to the Center for Regional Change at UC Davis, to Prof...

Single-Family Zoning in the Monterey Region

Introduction The authors would like to thank Joshua Cantong, Data Analyst at the Othering and Belonging Institute for their valuable insights and contributions. This brief report continues our series investigating the extent of restrictive and...

Zoning Reform Tracker

The Othering & Belonging Institute is proud to launch the Zoning Reform Tracker, which is meant to serve as a hub for documenting zoning reform efforts across the United States. There are two components to the Zoning Reform Tracker: a sortable database, and an interactive webmap.

Three-quarters of San Diego region zoned for single-family housing

Just over three-quarters (75.66 percent) of residential land in southern California's San Diego region is reserved for single-family housing, according to a study released Monday by UC Berkeley's Othering & Belonging Institute (OBI).

Exclusionary zoning covers 77 percent of Sacramento region

Seventy-seven percent of residential land in northern California's Sacramento region is reserved for single-family housing, according to this new study.

Single-Family Zoning in the Sacramento Region

Introduction The authors would like to thank Othering and Belonging Institute graduate student researcher Shahan Shahid Nawaz for his invaluable assistance in helping build the repository of municipal maps that made this analysis possible as well as...

Exclusionary Zoning and Community Resources in Greater Los Angeles

Background Our recently released report, Single-Family Zoning in Greater Los Angeles, examined the pervasiveness of single-family zoning in counties within the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) region. The analysis uncovered a...

Introduction to Zoning

What does zoning have to do with race and housing? Everything. This powerpoint gives an introduction to the concept of zoning and how it operates in policy and practice. The slide deck covers the definition of zoning and goes into zoning's rationale...

Glossary of Key Terms - Race & Housing

This glossary contains key terms related to race & housing and is a great document to start with and keep referring back to as you teach about race & housing. Terms featured include: othering, individual racism, institutional racism, structural...

Roots, Race & Place: Pre-1970 Origins of Racial Exclusion and Dispossession in Bay Area Housing

In order to move forward, we need to understand our past. This powerpoint covers histories of racial exclusion and dispossession in Bay Area housing. It is based on the Othering & Belonging Institute's publication, Roots, Race & Place , and...

Place & Identity Unit

How does place shape identity? How do social systems shape us? What impact can we have on social systems? This unit invites students to make connections between various aspects of their identity, origins, and culture. They are asked to build upon...

Berkeley study: 78 percent of LA region residential land zoned for exclusionary housing

Single-family housing dominates residential zoning in six-county LA region, producing unequal health, educational and income outcomes, and creating opportunity barriers for low-income, Black and Latino residents. BERKELEY: More than three-quarters...

Single-Family Zoning in Greater Los Angeles

Single-family housing dominates residential zoning in six-county LA region, producing unequal health, educational and income outcomes, and creating opportunity barriers for low-income, Black and Latino residents.

Decoding Zoning

As part of our racial segregation report series, we mapped exclusionary zoning, analyzed its association with racial segregation in the Bay Area, and offered recommendations for exclusionary zoning reform.

Single-Family Zoning in the San Francisco Bay Area

This report describes the characteristics of communities in the San Francisco Bay Area in relation to the degree of restrictive zoning within each jurisdiction.