Power in Belonging Video Series

En español | Tiếng Việt “I want a better future. For me, for you, and for everyone.” —Tracy La, VietRISE We invite you to learn from the multiracial and intergenerational bridging between Vietnamese and Latinx communities in Orange County, California...

From Algorithms to Embryos

Assisted reproductive technology (ART) is not new—the first IVF baby was born in 1978. However, improvements to laboratory technique and advances in understanding of human physiology have made IVF more successful and more widespread. Along with...

Racial Disparities in California’s Homeownership Rates

In this brief, we present our analysis of homeownership in California by race. We looked at changes in homeownership rates for five racial and ethnic groups: Hispanic, non-Hispanic White, non-Hispanic Black, non-Hispanic AAPI, and people of other races in California over the past five decades.

Fear, Grievance, and the Other

The goal of this paper is to provide a primer on key concepts that help us understand the rise, strategies, and tactics of exclusionary, nativist, and populist movements today, and to advance the framework of authoritarian populism as an analytical tool that informs practical efforts to combat these movements, address structural marginality, and advance democracies rooted in belonging.

Belonging: Bridging Beyond Othering

"Belonging: Bridging Beyond Othering" is published by the Othering & Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley as part of a collaboration with Belonging Colorado, a project of The Denver Foundation. The teams worked together to inform Belonging Colorado...

Single-Family Zoning in California: A Statewide Analysis

This report culminates a six-year investigation into restrictive land-use policies in California — namely single-family residential zoning — and their ramifications for racial residential segregation, affordable housing, and life outcomes. Single-family zoning accounts for over 95% of total residential land area in the state.

Targeted Universalism Case Study: Vision for Baltimore

Vision for Baltimore (V4B) is a successful program at Baltimore City Schools (BCS) designed to provide annual vision screenings for all students and, when necessary, to provide follow-up eye exams and eyeglasses at no cost to families. Download PDF...

Social Housing in California

Social housing has come to encompass a variety of programs and financing schemes, but all fundamentally move away from a reliance on private, for-profit motives driving housing insecurity. In 2023, California will launch a study of social housing in...

Mass Liberation & Climate Justice Toolkit

The climate crisis and mass incarceration are two crises that have shared roots and affect many of the same communities, yet are often talked about and organized around as separate issues. What connects them? How can we talk about them in ways that resonate and advance solutions to both?

Transformative Research Toolkit

Introduction We have seen and participated in transformative research strategies that defeated proposed jail expansions, won millions of dollars for community-prioritized programs, and built new community-led organizations that changed a political...

Advancing Equitable Community-based Transportation Planning

In response to the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while reducing transportation inequities, the California Air Resources Board launched two clean mobility grant programs that fund community transportation needs assessments, planning, and...

Housing Insecurity and Policy Views in Orange County, CA

This brief summarizes findings from our survey research with Orange County residents on their experiences of housing insecurity, and housing policy views.

Principles for Reframing the National Security Narrative

Our public discourse is seeded with dangerous and counterproductive ideas concerning national security that are so deeply embedded we may often be unaware that we, as story tellers, are invoking or reinforcing them in our own narrations. Thus, over...

The Need for Transformative Federal Action

This is a research brief to accompany the 2022 survey report we published entitled Aligning Federal Policy to Local Needs. Download PDF. As we emerge from the peak of the global pandemic, there is a great need to ensure that any opportunity...

Islamophobia in Europe

This Reading Resource Pack was developed by researchers from the Global Justice Program at the Othering and Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley, as part of its larger project documenting and countering Islamophobia.

Explore Othering and Belonging

E-Newsletter Archive

An Archive of past issues of our bi-weekly newsletter.

Crip Space/Time: A Conversation with Dr. Margaret Price

Join us for an in-person discussion with author Dr. Margaret Price about her new book, Crip Spacetime: Access, Failure, and Accountability in Academic Life, on Thursday, Feb. 13 at UC Berkeley. Dr. Price is a Professor in the English Department...

Our Future Economy

What strategies, ideas, skills and relationships will build a future economy that ensures the wellbeing of all workers, communities, and ecosystems? How do we move from the pressing needs and harm today to structures that foster wellbeing for all?