Growing Up Thug

When I was in high school, I wore combat boots with white laces, cuffed jeans, a studded belt, a ripped t-shirt, and I dyed my hair green. After the last bell and before my job stocking shelves, I hung out with a small crew of skinheads from another...

King's Evolving Dream

It is that time to pause and think about the incredible life and contributions of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., oftentimes referred to as MLK. He was named Michael King Jr. after his father — who later changed both their names to Martin...

Mandela's Work Is Our Own

On December 5th, the world lost not only a wise and inspiring leader, but a wonderful person in Nelson Mandela. Touching virtually all of our lives, he not only changed the course of world history, but he left us with a vision for change that we must...

A Conversation with Student Regent-Designate Sadia Saifuddin: Reshaping Identities

Sadia Saifuddin, the newly elected Student Regent-Designate for the UC system, clearly encompasses all the qualities of a leader on the rise. She was elected last spring and soon after, was rather viciously criticized for her support of the...

Walking Through History with David Hilliard, Former Black Panther Party Leader

To cap off our summer fellowship program, the Haas Institute planned a field trip that would deepen our appreciation and understanding of the struggle for social justice in the Bay Area. Former Black Panther Party Chief of Staff David Hilliard led a...

Marriage Equality in the United States: A Visual Comparison of State Prohibitions on Same-Sex and Inter-Racial Marriage

The Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society at UC Berkeley seeks to promote a just, inclusive and sustainable society. The vision of belongingness -- of bringing all groups within the circle of human concern -- means overcoming and...

Transportation policy is housing policy

Many years ago Haas Institute Executive Director john powell warned education advocates that "housing is education policy" — a refrain now regarded as common wisdom. The insight behind this assertion is a recognition that patterns of racial and...

Reflections on President Obama's speech at the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington

On August 28th, 2013, President Barack Obama delivered a speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the “Let Freedom Ring” ceremony commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s famous “I Have...

A Jury of Your Peers: Another Perspective on the Search for Justice for Trayvon Martin

Much has been written and discussed concerning George Zimmerman and the killing of Trayvon Martin. Not enough has been done, and there is some doubt that much will be done. Some even argue that nothing should be done. I believe there is a pressing...

Better Together in the South: Building Movements across Race, Gender and Sexual Orientation

For the past several years, the Applied Research Center (ARC) has coordinated the Better Together program, a multi-faceted initiative that combines research, media, and leadership development to advance racial justice and LGBT liberation. The program...

A Critical Response to the President’s Proposal for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

On Tuesday, the President gave a speech in Phoenix, Arizona on homeownership and the rebounding housing market. While laying out action steps for repairing the housing market and promoting homeownership, the headline from the President’s speech was...

Adkins v. Morgan Stanley Update

Adkins v. Morgan Stanley Update Late last year, Haas Institute Director wrote about the landmark case of Adkins v. Morgan Stanley.This lawsuit alleges that Morgan Stanley violated the Fair Housing Act by targeting low-income black neighborhoods in...

Supreme Court Removes Barriers to LGBTQ Equality

Today the Supreme Court handed down two victories for marriage equality, striking down a federal law that denied equal treatment to individuals in same-sex marriages and leaving in place a holding that found a same-sex marriage ban in California...

Why the DOMA Ruling Marks the Most Important Day of Our Lives

Martin Luther King, Jr. reminds us from the grave that, “I haven’t lost faith, because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” Today, we’ve seen that arc bend further than its ever bent before, so to speak. Following...

Shelby County v. Holder: Extend Voting Rights Nationwide

On Tuesday, June 25, the Supreme Court rolled back history when it overturned a key provision of the 1965 Voting Rights Act that was instrumental to nearly 50 years of political and social change. The Court’s decision in Shelby County v. Holder opens...

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E-Newsletter Archive

An Archive of past issues of our bi-weekly newsletter.

Reimagining Allyship: Reflecting on Where We Are and Where We Can Go From Here

The Asian Pacific American Religions Research Initiative is delighted to welcome Simran Jeet Singh to the UC Berkeley campus. Dr. Singh is Executive Director of the Religion and Society Program at the Aspen Institute and the author of the national...

Videos from the 2024 Othering & Belonging Conference

See our playlist below which includes all our videos from the 2024 Othering & Belonging Conference, which took place April 25-27 in Oakland, CA! To select a video from the playlist click on the button in the top right corner of the video player...