Haas Institute Director john a. powell and Assistant Director Stephen Menendian recently wrote an article published in the University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform about the Fisher v. Texas case involving The University of Texas at Austin and a white high school student who sued the university when she was not admitted, citing that she was more qualified that minority students who were admitted. This article delves into why the Supreme Court's decision in overruling the student was important to race-conscious admissions.
To view and download the article, click here.
Linked below are videos from the symposium "Affirmative Action and School Diversity After Fisher v. Texas" hosted by the University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, which took place on Feb. 22, 2014.
Keynote Address: Brown at Sixty: The Quiet and Premature Death of a Beloved Icon
Panel 1: Exhaustion, Race Neutral Alternatives, and the Future of Affirmative Action Litigation
Panel 2: The Efficacy of Race Neutral Alternatives in Increasing On-Campus Diversity
Panel 3: Competing Social Science on the Benefits of Race Conscious Affirmative Action Programs