Emmanuel Saez is the Director of the Center for Equitable Growth at the University of California at Berkeley. He received his PhD in Economics from MIT in 1999. He was Assistant Professor of Economics at Harvard University from 1999 to 2002, before joining the faculty at UC Berkeley in 2002. He is currently editor of the Journal of Public Economics and co-director of the Public Policy Program at CEPR. He was awarded the John Bates Clark medal of the American Economic Association in 2009. His main areas of research are centered around taxation, redistribution, and inequality, both from a theoretical and empirical perspective.
March 3, 2021: Leon Cooperman calls Warren’s wealth tax ‘foolish,’ says people would hide money to avoid it (CNBC)
February 4, 2021: What should the US do about student debt? (CBR)
February 4, 2021: Biden wants to fix income inequality — here's how he can do it (The Hill)
Aug. 31, 2017: The Myth of American Universities as Inequality-Fighters (The Atlantic)
Aug. 31, 2017: Oregon and the United States need unions now more than ever before (Statesman Journal)
Dec. 23, 2016: Middle Class Retirement Accounts at Record Levels. Low-Income Households Still Saving Little. (Forbes)
Dec. 7, 2016: Income inequality helped elect Donald Trump — and would grow wider under his policies (Mic Money)
Oct. 2016: The Takeoff in Income Inequality: Emmanuel Saez (Stanford Center for Poverty and Inequality)
Sept. 13, 2016: Why So Few American Economists Are Studying Inequality (The Atlantic)
July 9, 2016: U.S. household incomes grow; highest incomes grow the most (Lancaster Online)
Mar. 16, 2016 Wealth Inequality in the US and Beyond (Video)
Jan. 27, 2015 CNN's Reality Check team vets the claims