This virtual, city-wide address features john a. powell.
john is one of the nation’s foremost public intellectuals and an internationally recognized expert in the areas of civil rights, civil liberties, housing, poverty, and democracy. He is the Director of the Othering & Belonging Institute at the University of California, Berkeley, a research institute that brings together scholars, community advocates, communicators, and policymakers to identify and eliminate barriers to an inclusive, just, and sustainable society and to create transformative change toward a more equitable world. john’s work emphasizes a recognition of our shared humanity, bridging across differences, and co-creating systems and structures that are anchored in belonging rather than othering. He has introduced into the public lexicon the concepts of “othering and belonging”.
The program also featured Nebraska basketball coach Fred Hoiberg and some of his players, as well as video clips from residents who are working toward building a community of inclusion and belonging. Immediately following john’s remarks, Prof. Anna Shavers (Cline Williams Professor of Citizenship Law and former Dean at the University of Nebraska College of Law) and Dr. Jeannette Eileen Jones (Associate Professor of History & Ethnic Studies at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln) offer reflections on the challenges and opportunities for creating cultures of bridging and belonging here in Lincoln.
City of Lincoln, Malone Center, Bansal Charitable Fund, Nelnet Foundation
Promotional Partners
Lincoln Public Schools, Lincoln Chamber of Commerce, Lincoln Community Foundation, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Community Health Endowment, Faith Coalition of Lancaster County, Social Emergence, Awakin@Lincoln, Cause Collective, NAACP Lincoln Branch, Leadership Lincoln, Good Neighbor Community Center, Asian Cultural Center, El Centro de las Américas, and the Women’s Foundation of Lincoln and Lancaster County