More than any time since the Great Recession, policymakers at every level are focused on the deepening problem of housing inequity and the many facets of this problem. Unfortunately, the challenges relating to housing are so many, so great, and so varied, that it can be difficult to focus attention on just one aspect of the housing crisis. UC Berkeley's Stephen Menendian's keynote will place housing at the center of our nation's structured racial and economic disparities, and navigate between the connected (but distinct) problems of affordable and fair housing. Then, he will chart the path toward not only solving these crises, but also address our nation's widening economic inequality and the perennial problem of structural racism. Join us as he shares cutting edge research and policy insights.

In light of the community concerns regarding COVID-19, this talk will be given as a webinar. The link will be provided on February 8th to those that have registered by 5:00 pm on Monday, February 7th.

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