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Ramon Quintero is the equitable planning analyst at OBI. As part of the community power and policy partnerships program, he supports research projects that evaluate city and state policies that seek to increase equity in brownfields cleanup and development, mobility access in transportation planning, decommodifying land and housing, and furthering sustainable economic development for marginalized populations. 

He uses an multidisciplinary, participatory bottom up approach to conduct research and analysis. He has helped evaluate State pilot programs seeking to increase equity in transportation planning in California. He is currently working with DTSC, a State agency to support the creation of guidelines that will support the equitable development of brownfields formerly polluted land in California.   

His past graduate level research work at UC Berkeley and at UCLA has focused on the effects of uneven regional development in Mexico. His past research expertise covers Latin American immigrant integration in the United States and in Spain. 

He holds undergraduate degrees in Geography & Ethnic Studies from UC Berkeley & graduate degrees in Latin American Studies and Urban Regional Planning from UCLA.