7th Annual Paris Islamophobia Conference

France's Islamophobia: Religious “Separatism” -- Disciplining Muslimness

Dates: Dec. 12 & 13, 2020
Time: 9am PT / 12pm ET / 6 pm Paris Time
Locatin: Zoom (registration required here)

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flier for the Paris Islamophobia conference

The recent developments in France point to an escalation in the targeting and structural exclusion of French Muslim communities, a process that has been underway since at least the early 1980s.  Here, the French Muslim citizen is a constant site of government intervention to regulate and discipline Muslimness's expression through the deployment of French Republican values as instruments of hegemonic domination.  French Muslim citizens are on constant probation, unequal, and a site of civilizational interventionist and behavior modification project, a process that originates in French colonial epistemology and history, is currently deployed against the internal colonial subjects.  Muslim spaces, bodies, families, civil society institutions, and thoughts are subject to violent French state intervention.  The conference will interrogate the history and contemporary French state oppressive and racist projects directed at the disciplining and surveillance of the Muslim subject- the internal permanent colonial, separate, unequal, never free and not "French to the source."