Gabriela Cordoba Vivas is an artist-scholar that works in the intersection between art, media, and social justice. She is a second-year student of the PhD in Media Study at the University at Buffalo. She holds a bachelor degree in Political Science with an Art History minor from Los Andes University and an MA in Communication and Media from the National University of Colombia. Her research has revolved around epistemological justice, the right to the city, and cultural representations of transgender sex work. She has worked in universities, government agencies, and cultural organizations leading socially engaged art projects, developing strategies for community engagement, and fostering research and creation practices committed to social change. Co-founder of CaldodeCultivo, an art collective that produces dignified narratives of marginalized communities using different artistic languages to amplify their struggles. With CaldodeCultivo she has participated in multiple biennales and art residencies in Europe and the Americas.