Event Date

Special Film Screening: Land Grabbing

The world's farmland, and smallholder farmers, are at risk. Demand for land has soared as investors look for places to grow food for export, grow crops for biofuels, or simply buy up land for profit. This film gives an inside...

Conversation with Rinku Sen (Oakland)

Please join us on Friday, June 10 at noon for a Conversation with Rinku Sen, author, activist and the President and Executive Director of the racial justice organization Race Forward and publisher of Colorlines.com. A leading figure in the racial...

Conversation with Rinku Sen (Los Angeles)

Please join us on Thursday, June 9 at noon for a Conversation with Rinku Sen, author, activist and the President and Executive Director of the racial justice organization Race Forward and publisher of Colorlines.com. A leading figure in the racial...

Government in Public Policy (Summit 2016: Inclusion in Action)

What happens when governmental entities begin to understand the structures and systems that perpetuate the exclusion of communities of color? What happens when barriers are removed and inclusion is put into action? Find out at the 2016 Summit on Race...

The Summit on Race and Equity: A Call to Government and Community

May 16–May 17 Curry Student Center, Northeastern University, 360 Huntington Ave Boston, MA This spring will launch an inclusive cross sector regional network to advance racial equity and ensure opportunities for all. Led by a collaborative of community residents, organizations...

School Finance Reform and the Distribution of Student Achievement, with Jesse Rothstein

Becker Applied Economics Workshop, Spring 2016 March 8–May 24, 2016 (All day) Saieh Hall for Economics, Room 146 Organizers Magne Mogstad, University of Chicago Michael Greenstone, University of Chicago Kevin Murphy, University of Chicago Robert Topel, University of Chicago Booth...

Richmond Food Policy Open House

The Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society is excited to announce the release of its food policy report on Thursday, April 28 at UC Berkeley. The report outlines strategies that can facilitate more deeply engaged partnerships between UC...

We Too Belong

WE TOO BELONG Building Power at the Intersection of Immigration and Incarceration "We Too Belong" is a half-day program and highly interactive event to discuss and share best inclusive practices in immigration and incarceration law and policy. The event will...

7th Annual Islamophobia Conference

Islamophobia: Has a tipping point been reached? Conference Dates: April 22–23, 2016 The conference seeks papers that examine Islamophobia from multi-disciplinary and transnational perspectives, so as to, bring a more holistic understanding of the phenomena and the forces acting to...

2016 Color of Wealth Summit

The summit seeks to engage Members of Congress, Congressional staff, the media, and the public in a dialogue about the racial wealth gap, its effect on marginalized households, its impact on the U.S. economy, and solutions for closing the gap...

The Economics of a $15 Minimum Wage

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 2016 | 12:00PM - 1:30PM | IRLE CONFERENCE ROOM The Economics of a $15 Minimum Wage Michael Reich, Economics, UC Berkeley R.S.V.P. Margaret Olney, margaret_olney@berkeley.edu More Information .

Is Atlanta Really The City Too Busy To Hate?: Understanding Breakthrough Mind Science Research on Racial Bias

The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation Speaker Series Is Atlanta Really the City Too Busy to Hate?: Understanding Breakthrough Mind Science Research on Racial Bias Tuesday, April 19, 2016 Reception & Registration: 5:00 pm Program: 6–7:30 pm RSVP By March...

The Renewed Fight for Fair Housing

The Renewed Fight for Fair Housing: Understanding the Past and Present Role of Policy and Law in America’s Residential Segregation Why do many of our neighborhoods continue to be deeply segregated, and what can be done to provide fair housing...

31st Annual Empowering Women of Color Conference

31ST ANNUAL EMPOWERING WOMEN OF COLOR CONFERENCE Through thought provoking workshops, a panel discussion, and speakers, we will explore how women of color are shifting the dominant narrative, bringing attention to our voices that were previously ignored. We will explore...

Can Agroecology Bring Solutions to Africa’s Food Systems?: Africans Food Sovereignty Working Group

The Global Justice Program at UC Berkeley’s Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society invites you to an informal monthly-guided discussion on a wide range of issues related to Africa’s food systems. The Talk: Can Agroecology Brings Solutions to...