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Eliza Brooks is a recent graduate of the University of California, Berkeley where she majored in Political Science and minored in Public Policy.  Her studies centered the impact of historical, economic, and social forces on the operation of politics, and the ways in which public policy can be utilized to ensure equitable access to justice for all people. Outside of the classroom, Eliza proudly served as a Resident Assistant helping first-year students navigate their transition to Cal. In Fall 2018, she worked with the Black Recruitment and Retention Center as the lead coordinator of a college tour for low-income students of color. She also served as President of the National Council of Negro Women, where she led the execution of programs that support and uplift the Black community on campus through wellness and retention programs. At the Othering and Belonging Institute, she will research bridging practices on UC Berkeley's campus. She'll also support research on affordable housing, fair housing, and health equity.

photo of Eliza Brooks