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Join us on Monday, April 4 to celebrate the launch of the Othering & Belonging Institute's new project Cultures of Care, featuring a panel of care practitioners. Cultures of Care celebrates people that practice collective care in unconventional and insurgent ways. Care is an essential, immediate and practical way to create belonging. Perhaps most vitally in our urgent times, at the heart of each profile you will find provocations that are seeds for reshaping society and how we relate to each other and the world. Explore the project here now!


  • john a. powell, director of OBI
  • Evan Bissell, OBI Arts & Cultural Strategy Coordinator, Cultures of Care co-director
  • Giovanna Fischer, Cultures of Care co-director
  • Elliot Kukla, Rabbi, author, artist, and activist
  • Dani McClain, Writer and Author
  • Kristina Wong, founder of Auntie Sewing Squad and comedian.