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Black Liberation and the Food Movement Flyer
This forum aims to address how structural racism and violence against Black communities extends into and across the food system, as well as the capacity of food system work to address Black liberation.The afternoon will include a Keynote address by former Black Panther poet and playwright Judy Juanita, a panel of Bay Area community leaders, and audience participatory breakout sessions on topics including: food sovereignty, economic development, Black farmers and agricultural production, police and community violence, food-related disease, trauma and healing. We will also celebrate how our current work connects with the 50th Anniversary of the founding of the Black Panther Party. The forum is an opportunity to gather and connect, learn about each other’s work, and strategize concrete steps for change. To wrap up the evening, we will share a local, delicious dinner prepared by Sarah Kirnon of Miss Ollie's and Dig Deep Farms. More information.

This event is co-created by a group of committed collaborators: Acta Non Verba: Youth Urban Farm Project; Bryant Terry; Farms to Grow, Inc.; Food FirstHaas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society (UC Berkeley); HOPE CollaborativeMcGee Ave. Baptist Church/Center for Food, Faith, and Justice; Oakland Food Policy CouncilPolicyLinkThe Way Christian Center/LIVE FREE Campaign, with involvement of the Bay Area #BlackLivesMatter Chapter.

Download the flyerAttend the forum