Liz Baxter


Liz is CEO of the North Sound ACH, which works to advance health, equity, social justice and wellbeing across five counties in the northwest corner of Washington, which sit on the traditional homelands of the Coast Salish people.  Liz has spent her career in executive positions that build bridges between complex policy discussions and the public's desire to understand and weigh in on these issues. She often plays the role of “translator” of technical knowledge for those who don’t live inside the policy world. Liz is an innovative disruptor of policies and strategies, working to create spaces where power is shared, especially by those who most often have not had the experience of influencing decision makers. 


It's a fish


Expressions of Belonging
This session will showcase multiple expressions of belonging, illustrating the benefit of belonging being advanced through an array of organizations at different scales and locations. The session will offer a mix of stories, insights, and diverse approaches to advancing belonging. Through story, the Panelists will share how they are actively building for belonging before diving into critical questions that will uplift the throughlines of these unique projects. Participants will gain an understanding of practical expressions of belonging and be inspired to build towards belonging in their...
Applying Targeted Universalism: Case Studies from the Field
Government, nonprofit and philanthropic leaders will share their journeys’, triumphs, challenges, insights, and lessons learned from actively applying Targeted Universalism (TU) within their organizations and communities in this interactive panel discussion. They will discuss the nuances of TU application at each stage, including: Co-creating the universal goal Assessing the general population’s performance relative to the universal goal Assessing segment groups’ performances relative to the universal goal and situatedness Assessing and understanding the structures and systems that support or...