Applying Targeted Universalism: Case Studies from the Field

Government, nonprofit and philanthropic leaders will share their journeys’, triumphs, challenges, insights, and lessons learned from actively applying Targeted Universalism (TU) within their organizations and communities in this interactive panel discussion. They will discuss the nuances of TU application at each stage, including:

  1. Co-creating the universal goal
  2. Assessing the general population’s performance relative to the universal goal
  3. Assessing segment groups’ performances relative to the universal goal and situatedness
  4. Assessing and understanding the structures and systems that support or impeded each group from achieving the universal goal
  5. Developing and implementing targeted strategies so all groups reach the universal goal
  6. Developing messages, narratives, and stories that support strategies
  7. Conducting ongoing evaluation/measurement of impact relative to the universal goal

Panelists will also discuss how they advance belonging through TU application through operationalization of co-creation, sharing power, and consensus driven decision making from the design to implementation to evaluation. They will also discuss progress made along with strategies to address challenges, and how they communicated their TU endeavor along every step of the way.

Location: OMCA Women’s Board Lecture Hall

Saturday, April 27, 2024