Scott Shigeoka


Scott Shigeoka is an internationally recognized curiosity expert, speaker, and the author of Seek: How Curiosity Can Transform Your Life and Change the World. Seek was an Amazon Best Book of 2023, Porchlight Best Business Book winner, and a “Must-Read Book” by the Next Big Idea Club. Scott has appeared on The Today Show, NPR, Harvard Business Review, The Guardian, and other outlets to spread the gospel of curiosity. He is known for his work of popularizing research that promotes positive well-being and relationships around the globe, including at the UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center and through his groundbreaking courses at the University of Texas at Austin. He is originally from Hawaii.

Scott Shigeoka headshot


Bridge-Builder Talk, with Scott Shigeoka
Belonging-Builder Talk by Scott Shigeoka We are bombarded with a larger public story that insists we are hopelessly divided, a narrative that increasingly suggests a type of fatalism about fragmentation, that our political disagreements may be irreconcilable, or that humans are “naturally” wired toward creating an us and a them, that perhaps we are better off living separately and not engaging with the other who threatens our story and place in the world. Throughout his work, Scott Shigeoka has set out to tell another story: that we yearn to connect and people desire to find ways to bridge...