Ra'Mauri Cash

Ra'Mauri Cash, a 14 year old African American young man from the Bay Area, is a seasoned YVA veteran and a long time member of the movement.

He works on helping to reduce the amount of climate racism throughout the bay area and hopefully the world.  Throughout his life, he's lived in economically oppressed areas. Born with asthma, a lot of the areas he's lived in have not been good for him or his condition. Now, he fights climate racism for all areas and tries to make sure no other youth growing up in this area have to go through what he went through. 
photo of Ra'Mauri Cash


Coming Together by Going to The Root: Youth Bridging for Climate Justice
Youth Vs. Apocalypse is a frontline youth-driven climate justice organization. Their collective action aims to lift the voices of youth, in particular youth of color and working class youth, in the fight for a livable climate and an equitable, sustainable, and just world. YVA brings together young people and adult allies by being clear that Climate change comes from the same system that has exploited people based on race, class, gender and more for generations. Join us to discuss building community, meeting people where they are, and how we decide where to put our attention.