Daniel Jolley

Dr Daniel Jolley is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Northumbria University (UK). He is a Chartered Psychologist of the British Psychological Society, and a member of the Executive Committee of the Social Psychology Section.


Daniel’s main area of research is the psychology of conspiracy theories. In his research, he uses experimental methods to examine the social consequences of conspiracy theories. He has also tested tools to address the negative impacts of conspiracy theories. Daniel has co-authored articles in outlets such as PLoSONE, the British Journal of Psychology and Political Psychology and has received funding from research bodies such as the British Academy. 

You can read more about Daniel’s work on his website (www.danieljolley.co.uk) or Twitter (@DrDanielJolley).

photo of Daniel Jolley


Panel 3 - Finding Belonging in a Climate of Loneliness, Conspiracy, and Mistrust in Government
The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has exposed the very real threat that disinformation, entrenched individualism, and low trust in institutions pose in tackling a deadly global crisis. While the arrival of multiple Covid-19 vaccines earlier this year seemed to suggest a hopeful resolution to the crisis, low rates of vaccination—driven in large part by both political leaders' strategic public skepticism and targeted disinformation online—revealed a much deeper problem around lack of faith in government and the enormous reach of conspiracy and fake news more broadly. In this panel, we will explore...