Key Takeaways
14 Practices to Create
Belonging through Care
1Recognize that we all need care at some point, in some way
2Develop a deep understanding of self in order to be in better relationship with others
3Share what you need, in order to be cared for well
4Protect your (and other people’s) time to rest
5Practice vulnerability in ways that are reciprocal
6Cultivate intimacy
7Make connections between the micro and the macro
8Tend to your archives
9Honor and recognize the leadership and knowledge of the people indigenous to wherever you are
10Trust survivors
11Listen to young people
12Nurture imagination
13Hold space for grieving; grieve in the ways that you need
Provocations from Practitioners
1Specificity is expansive and requires intimacy and trust.
2Archives can provide care for the future.
3Stop capturing death and start capturing possibilities.
1Creating unmitigated cultural spaces expands belonging.
2Creating alternative spaces for connection is essential in a context of othering.
3Accessibility is for everyone.
1Rest can radically transform systems.
2We need practices to metabolize rapid change and loss.
3The wisdom of disability justice is essential for addressing the climate crisis.
1The dance party is a protective health factor.
2The dance party (in the lineage of the clandestine congregation) is a space of resistance and archive.
1Those impacted know the conditions that best support their leadership.
2Direct aid creates trust and efficiency.
1Young people are whole people (not half-formed) and systems and practices should reflect this.
2Language has the power to care through tending imagination.
3We need complex intergenerational relationships reflected in stories.
1Everybody’s grief is different.
2Integrating humanistic and scientific approaches in our systems attends to our complexity as humans.
3We need each other’s stories, so we need to tell our own.
1The land cares for us, so we have a responsibility to care for the land.
2Indigenous sovereignty is key to addressing the climate crisis.
3Successful reciprocal care should be measured across many generations.
1Dignity in labor is a public health strategy.
2Prioritize care work for advancing gender equity.
3Grassroots and networked crisis response can be quick and equitable.