Mobilizing Communities Against Hatred: The Experience of the Electoral Engagement Campaign in Spain

Location: Atelier 4

This session aims to delve into the process of countering hatred through community mobilization, spotlighting a successful case study from Spain's recent general elections.

The working session will commence with a presentation that showcases the recent success of community mobilization in Spain during a pivotal general election. This election held profound implications not only for the nation itself but also reverberated across the entire European continent.

The presentation will highlight the process of identifying core values to engage potentially disengaged sectors, defining targeted audiences, and crafting a comprehensive multi-platform strategy. Moreover, it will shed light on the emergence of vibrant communities around women's rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and climate change - three critical issues at the heart of the election discourse.

Following the presentation, a collaborative discussion will ensue, aiming to collectively identify universal keys to effective mobilization across diverse countries. Participants will have the opportunity to exchange and explore strategies that can empower other communities to uphold democratic values and a sense of belonging, particularly in the face of the global surge of totalitarian ideologies.

Presented by LaIntersección:

Laintersecció is a space for shared learning and collective campaigning based on digital research. Laintersección  engages organizations, activists and social movements to work together in shaping new values and narratives that transcend social polarization.

Friday, October 27, 2023