Dashley Concepción

Dashley Concepcion is a current student at El Puente Academy for Peace and Justice, which is a public school located in the Southside community of Williamsburg in Brooklyn, New York City.

El Puente was created and designed to foster a true sense of belonging among all students and their families. At El Puente, Dashley is a muralist, activist and is involved in other leadership activities. Dashley and her family immigrated to the USA when she was in middle school and she vividly remembers how scared she was to start school only speaking Spanish. Dashley will share with us what it has meant to be a student at a school that makes her feel seen and heard.
photo of Dashley Concepción


Learning Lab: Bridging to Build Power: What does bridging look like in the real world?
What does bridging look like in the real world? What does bridging have to do with movement building or with building power? Hear from leaders about bridging communities and movements to find connections and belonging. Designed for: Community organizers, educators, culture makers, movement leaders Lab registration is open to conference participants only. After registering for the conference, you will receive a link to register for the Labs. Scholarships are available.